H-Hard of Hearing  ($100)- If you select this category, you generally need a high quality amplified phone to help understand telephone conversations. There are a number of phones that can be purchased for under the $100 value of the voucher for this category. If you want a phone that has a number of additional features, it may cost more than $100 and you will need to pay that additional amount. There is no co-payment requirement for this category.

D-Deaf/Severely Hard of Hearing ($800)- If you select this category, you generally need equipment in addition to an amplified phone or instead of an amplified phone, you may need a TTY or a more specialized phone such as the CapTel phone or a two-line voice carry over phone. You often need signaling equipment to notify you that your phone/TTY is ringing A $100 co-payment is required. Funding for the co-payment may be available if you are an eligible low-income individual.

S-Speech Disability ($1,600) - If you select this category, you generally need equipment that assists you in vocalizing or amplifying your speech so that the other person on the phone is able to understand what you are saying. Otherwise, you may need a TTY or a more specialized phone for using two-line hearing carry over. A co-payment of $100 is required.

M-Mobility or Motion Disability ($1,600)- If you select this category, you generally use a wheelchair for mobility, are unable to dial the phone yourself, are unable to hold a phone handset, or are restricted to a bed. A co-payment of $100 is required.

L-Deaf/Severely Hard of Hearing and Low Vision ($2,500) -If you select this category, you generally need equipment that enlarges the print for "reading" telephone conversations. Equipment under this category is visual-based. Signaling equipment and other equipment under the Deaf/Severely Hard-of Hearing category can also be purchased under this category. A $100 co-payment is required. Funding for the co-payment may be available if you are an eligible low-income individual.

B-Deaf/Severely Hard of Hearing and Blind ($7,200)-If you select this category, you generally need equipment that is Braille-based. Signaling equipment and other equipment under the Deaf/Severely Hard-of Hearing category can also be purchased under this category. A $100 co-payment is required. Funding for the co-payment may be available if you are an eligible low-income individual.